Monday, 9 May 2011

Hazy Days, Blueberries & Tears

We've had more tears than normal, and more tears than I would like round here lately.

We lost her Rabbit, her most favourite rabbit.  
Her get better, sleep better, feel better, snuggle more, giggle louder rabbit.

I say we, I lost it.  I can't even try and blame her, 
and I should have spotted it when it fell.

We got a replacement, its a different colour and smells different, but she has total unconditional love, 
grabbed it, snuggled it into her face and giggles all the same.


We love a bit of new around here.  Something a little different.  
We love the little things, and looking back and realising they were the big things...

We have new curls, 

New foods.

New snacks.

New books.

New favourite spots.

And new walks...

After the weekend of rain we had, a gorgeous hazy sunset on a sunday night was just perfect.
We had a walk around the lake, fed the ducks, and sat on the grass.

Summer nights are a favourite around here.  So are spending evenings with dad.


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