Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Cafe Ruby!

Two posts in one day.  Don't worry, I'm quite shocked myself!  
We've been so busy and up to a lot over the last week or so.

For those who might not be a liker on my photography page, you might not have heard about the studio.
Joanne, from Beloved Photography contacted me a few weeks ago about a studio.
We are working hard together to bring the most fabulous natural light newborn studio that Edinburgh & dare I say Scotland has to offer!

I totally took it as a sign that this adorable cafe was right around the corner, so we HAD to go in for breakfast!  It was meant to be & the hot chocolate.... Sublime!

The park is one of Ruby's favourite places.  The girl LOVES the swings!
Really loves them.  
It started pouring with rain, but she didn't really care & refused to move.
The giggles and squeals she lets out when she swings back and forth make me smile.
She laughed even more as Dad got a little carried away, 
slid on the rubber mat under the swings and slid.

He ended up on his backside and Ruby thought this was hilarious.

The summer came over the weekend, it was the hottest it's been in a long time.
Ruby spent most of the weekend in the outfit below...

Too hot for blankets one day, too cool the next.
The weather doesn't really know what its doing with itself but I want summer to be here SO bad!

The favourite rosie rabbit was left on its own again, we had another trip back to the shopping centre to pick it up.  I don't think she realises she drops it sometimes, but when she realises its not there....

Yikes!  We have a wee supply just incase we don't manage to find it again,
like last time... 

Leaving you with a sight I see most mornings...

My Ruby loving her toast.  
She chills out in that high chair like its a recliner chair.
Feet up, slouched back.
The girl knows how to relax!


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