Monday, 23 May 2011

The 365 Photo project update

For those who don't already know, I have been taking a photo of Ruby every single day since 1/1/11.

 We are already well into the 140's and a weekly update is needed from now on.
It takes a lot of work to get it on every day, not quite sure how it's going to work when we are off on holiday in Sept, but sure we'll think of something!

So, here is this weeks update, for those that missed the start, I'll put together a little collage of the 365 so far.  It's amazing how much she has changed already!

16/5/11 photo - 136/365

17/5/11 photo - 137/365

18/5/11 photo - 138/365

19/5/11 photo - 139/365

20/5/11 photo - 140/365

21/5/11 photo - 141/365

22/5/11 photo - 142/365

23/5/11 photo - 143/365


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