Sunday, 22 May 2011

The baby fair...

Before I had Ruby, I used to have days when I would wander around not having too much to do, drinking a lot of tea and pottering about. 
There's still a lot of tea, its mostly on the go and usually cold when I get around to drinking it and the pottering about seems to have gone and its been filled with travelling, snotty noses & hugs.

Ruby had her first invite to a friends 1st birthday.
She was one of the smallest there and was a bit of a bully, she had a few boys by the hair and wrestled a child out the ball pool so she could get in.

Don't let her innocent face in any photo fool you into thinking she is super sweet...

The to-do list from the week before has gotten even bigger, possibly doubled,
and my house looked like a children's wear factory.  

I was preparing to take mini sessions at the Edinburgh Baby & Child Fair over the weekend, 
there was bunting all over the floor, frames everywhere and a million pairs of shoes from Inch Blue
I take their lifestyle photographs and they are a LOT of fun, and I get to be as creative as I want to be, 
or, as much as Ruby will let me.

The baby fair was so much fun, me and Ruby had such a blast.
(Image thanks to Karen Awesome Paterson)

We met so many new people, put a lot of faces to names and we got to see lots of friends.
We even wore the same outfit :)

My best friend Stephanie came long to the fair with her little one Aaron, who is just a few weeks younger than Ruby.  She adores him.  Really really adores him.

She gets all giggly when she see's him, climbs on him and wants to kiss and eat his face.
Poor Aaron sits with a face of shock and lets her.  I told you before... my daughter is a menace.

They are going to grow up great friends :)

Also this week, I am so sad to say I stopped breast feeding Ruby.  I managed almost 9 months but I couldn't manage any more.  I really wanted to keep feeding her until she turned 1.

It's only been a few days and I really miss the closeness already.
I miss her playing with my hair as she fell asleep and how close she was to me everyday.
I had a good little cry during her last feed, I love how big she is getting, I just don't like how incredibly fast its coming around.

We've had a bit of a lazy sunday, its been the first in a long while and was filled with hugs, books and sofa's.  She loves the sofa, so much so I find her hugging it. 

 I'll be updating the 365 days photos from the week tomorrow, good little way to start the week I think...  Have a lovely sunday!


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