Monday, 20 June 2011

Happy Daddy Day

 Every girl loves her daddy.  
They make everything better & give those big hugs that mama sometimes cant manage.
They can open all the jars.  Reach the top shelfs.  
Glue together that broken toy.  Tell you the best bedtime stories.
Tuck you in the best.  Look best in the pink tiara.

Ruby is so lucky to have you as a daddy.  

I remember how scared you were, before she was born.
& then I remember how perfectly you done everything,

And the look on your face with every little mile stone she hit. 
The first time you bathed her.
The first time she looked at you.

The first time she smiled at you.
The first time she said Dad.

I remember the look on your face the first time you picked her up.

That 5:30am bed head that you love!

You make us both smile!
We hope you had a wonderful first fathers day. 

We loved it!


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