Sunday, 26 June 2011

It's 365 Sunday!

Good Evening!

Ready for a 365 update??

Me & Ruby don't follow the tennis.  (Dad does, sort of).  
But, we had to do an opening day of Wimbeldon
as a 365, just so we had a little excuse to eat a LOT of strawberries and cream!

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& Our weekly lunch with our favourite Aunty Stephanie & Aaron...

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Chilling out in the sunshine in our room...
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We love a bit of Amelie! 
It's my favourite film. And its the reason I know as much French as I do.
 We love the reds and greens, for those who have seen it...
I'll do the raspberry shot with Ruby one day :)
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Cat! A cat... cat cat cat... 
Rubys favourite word of the week.
Usually followed by a cat zooming past me with a soaked head from Ruby 'kissing' her!
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We've learnt to open drawers, I'm not sure why she had to find the tupperware drawer!My life will never been the same again.  Or my tupperware.
Gone are the days you could just pick up a lid and a box and it was the perfect match.
This is now Rubys tox box...
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She has such a concentration.  She studies all the little things until she is ready.
Then, she will pick them up.
She loves studying peoples faces for a good few minutes before she will touch them.
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We've had a lovely week.  No quieter than normal.
The studio is looking gorgeous, the website is having a lovely re-jig over the next week and we have a lovely trip to Aberdeen on soon too!

We'll see you soon!


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