Monday, 15 August 2011

40 days..

40 days of updates...  This is probably one of the longest posts yet!

We've been busy around here in the Stewart household, I haven't just fallen asleep for the last month.

For the last month me & Joanne have been ordering, packing, glueing, sticking, cutting, folding, snapping... getting ready for the grand opening of the Beloved Photography Studio!

And its looking gorgeous!  
We'll be launching a gorgeous blog to match so keep your eyes peeled for that.  
Another thing to add to the list of updating!

So what have we missed?

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We had the 4th of July!  We love an excuse for a party :)

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This is one of my ultimate favourites ever...
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Lovely long naps in the studio, on that gorgeous sofa!

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Playing hide and seek....
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LOTS of coffee drinking!

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We had our FIRST trip to the dentist, with a perfect report!
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We had a lovely trip to Aberdeen, got to see lots of old friends and meet a lot of new ones! 

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Ruby even helped with some of the shots :)
This photo has to be in a frame on my desk... It means a lot to me.

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I am in love with this face.  She even makes sleeping adorable.
This was our last sleep before we got to go back home and see Daddy.
It was a long weekend without him.  The sunshine helped make it a little better.
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Ruby's not shy to take something from your plate.
If you got it & she wants it... she'll get it. 
Tippy toes and all...

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For the first time in 10 months, Dad took Ruby out.
Not just for an hour from 9:00am for..


I missed her.  A lot.  More than I thought I would.
I complain I never get any work done, I never get to finish a cuppa.
But I missed her giggling.  Tugging on my legs, hugs & wet kisses...

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Told you... She gets it!
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Her first go on a BIG girl trampoline...
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Chilling with some peaches & bananas.

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Beamish.  We visited for the day. 
We had a lot of giggles, a go at vintage toys, loved the old signs...
we did NOT get fish and chips after being in the queue for 68 mins.  Disappointment. 
But Ruby had a fab time & made friends with the stray cat that lived there...

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And yes.. we FINALLY got a gorgeous day to do the Lemonade Stand!
& it was PERFECT!  
The sun was out, the lemons were good and the smiles were spot on.

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Hello :)

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Ruby thinks she is 3.  
She thinks she can stand in her pram, wriggle out the straps, and go head first over the side of it.
This time, she went head first onto a kerb and a gravel path.
I heard her head hit the kerb.  But I didn't hear her cry...
And in those 5 seconds she took to cry my heart had stopped. 
I have never felt so awful and useless in my entire life!
A quick trip to the doctors and she was fine.
She tried the exact same stunt the very next day...

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So... We taught her a new trick, which she finds hilarious.

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Her face started clearing up nicely and in no time at all...

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I think most babies love to be naked.
Ruby in all her naked glory made a break for it, and got caught!
She's gonna love that one when she is older!

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Back to normal!

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I never work a Sunday.  A phrase I said and emailed often.
Until I met Joanne, who made me get dressed and head to an engagement shoot.
Ruby showed us how the props would look...

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Mario Kart... Can you believe she beat me?!

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Getting super confident with the walking, she pretty much walks all over as I try and steer the pram with one hand & Ruby waves and giggles at everyone who passes her...

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I cant believe this is my tiny little baby... 
She is now officially walking!  
Every day she surprises me...

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We have beautiful new teeth too!

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The museum reopened!  It's been a long wait but SO worth it!
We visited the new section, had a giggle in the curved mirrors.
Seen the gorgeous new planetarium...  There's so many new things to see!
Ruby enjoyed it all, and her favourite part... The ESCALATOR!!

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We had Aunty Beverly's wedding reception last night.  
Ruby was on the dance floor longer than I was. 
So today, we relaxed.  Ruby seems to be better at it than everyone.

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 I've never enjoyed soft play.  
They kind of scare me with the amount of germs flying around a whole lot of shrieking children that aren't mine...

Me & Ruby ended up with the wonderful Norovirus.  
It hasn't been pleasant and we wont be visiting the soft play any time soon...

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Trying to make everyone better.  
Its hard when you feel like hiding from the world in your bed.  But you cant.

Ruby helped though.  She made sure her rabbit was ok :)

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Are these not the smallest, cutest baby pigtails you have ever seen?!
It makes her look like a proper girl.
I think we might need to keep those for later.

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What we thought was our last day of being poorly...  
Lots of cuddles on the sofa, sleeping, dvd's and food.

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Master relaxer!

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We are finally better, getting back on track. 
I warned everyone I would be busy.  I didn't realise just how busy I would be!

The new blog will be launched over the next week or 2, but of course I'll be sharing the gorgeous photos from the studio with you...

We have a special 365 coming next week but your going to have to wait to see that one :)

Zoe xo


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