Saturday, 1 October 2011

September, cake & maracas!

Its already hit October and I am only just getting the end of August and most of Septembers updates uploaded...

I must be more organised and get these on sooner.  We've had a few emails at our brand new email address (
We've had some hello's & some asking if I had given up on the 365 and missed some.
But I haven't!
If I am being really honest I didn't think for a minute I'd manage to get this far.  I thought I'd have missed a day and ruined the whole thing and would have to start all over again.

We've been very busy, had a mini break and lots of making and baking this last month.
 So no big post, no explanations just a lovely simple 365 update...

14/8/11 photo - 226/365 
15/8/11 photo - 227/365

16/8/11 photo - 228/365

17/8/11 photo - 229/365

18/8/11 photo - 230/365

19/8/11 photo - 231/365

20/8/11 photo - 232/365

21/8/11 photo - 233/365

22/8/11 photo - 234/365

23/8/11 photo - 235/365

24/8/11 photo - 236/365

25/8/11 photo - 237/365

26/8/11 photo - 238/365

27/8/11 photo - 239/365

28/8/11 photo - 240/365
 29/8/11 photo - 241/365 
 30/8/11 photo - 242/365

 31/8/11 photo - 243/365

 1/9/11 photo - 244/365

 2/9/11 photo - 245/365

 3/9/11 photo - 246/365

 4/9/11 photo - 247/365 
 5/9/11 photo - 248/365

 6/9/11 photo - 249/365

 7/9/11 photo - 250/365

 8/9/11 photo - 251/365

 9/9/11 photo - 252/365

 10/9/11 photo - 253/365

 11/9/11 photo - 254/365

 12/9/11 photo - 255/365

 13/9/11 photo - 256/365

 14/9/11 photo - 257/365
 15/9/11 photo - 258/365

 16/9/11 photo - 259/365

 17/9/11 photo - 260/365

 18/9/11 photo - 261/365
We'll be back soon, xx


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